DMA News: Social value. 14/08/2020

Fiona Joins the Board of Trustees for Heart of the City

It was a real privilege when Fiona was asked to join the Board of Trustees for Heart of the City. Heart of the City is a charity that supports small businesses, making responsible business knowledge easily accessible and so giving companies in London the tools to measurably improve our society and demonstrate responsibility.

As a practice, we have always put Social Value at the heart of what we do and we got involved as a member of Heart of the City at the start of the programme in 2018. It has been a fantastic resource, helping us to develop our responsible business strategy in a way that is meaningful and impactful. It’s great to now be part of the trustee team and to help make sure that other people are able to benefit from it as we have done.

As a responsible organisation, the board were keen to tackle the challenges of Coronavirus and, in May, Heart of the City launched ‘Survive and Thrive’, a series of weekly webinars that aim to help members navigate these challenges and be ready to adapt to and grow in the post-Coronavirus economy. Each week, a different expert provides ideas and tips to help businesses through the new challenges they’re facing.

For more information about Heart of the City, ‘Survive and Thrive’ and how to apply for their 2021 foundation programme, you can apply for a free introduction year place by 1 December here.